WIFI as we told in last post; WIFI AP has many shaped; the type we show were just some example of most usages.
square type wifi dish: most of this shape let the antenna run along 4 sides of dish and most of signal run on the line of sight via 4 sides
circle type wifi dish: all antenna run all direction at least 8.
both type has the usages and limited that we will talk later.
directional wifi: most wifi spread in all direction, but some need to do the directional (we will speak of the condition for this later)
NAS/ or other kind of network storage: we use this as the data/content/logs for all our sensors, AI, and calculation.
senses or condition
handicap/ need medication, temporary limited function/ Left handed usages / Right handed usages / need to use graphics to communicate / need to use sound to communicate / need to taste
condition of users : limit and senses of users
describe the function that what kind of senses and limit that can use on each control system. symbol may easier to understand.
sensor and device to switch
motion sensor camera / surveillance camera / sound speaker / bulb / PC / mobile phone
the devices that use to monitor and control other devices. : the devices listed here were just example of all devices.
caution and electrical
power source 220 V or 110 V ac / power source 12 V dc with backup with battery / power surge cautions
power and condition of power failure protection : most system used power as 110/220 V AC and 12 / 5 / 3.5 V DC and different of Voltage usages can cause harm on both devices and users.
power surge concerned always tell that devices has no surge protection, or even with surge protection may use with caution.
backup cloud (in case of power failure) / uploading to cloud / camera with cloud storage / cloud storage / downloading from cloud
note: camera with cloud storage still be device category.
from now on we will discuss on IOT (internet of things) and application for universal access design.
why IOT?
IOT help a lot in everyday life for whom hard to access to normal reachable like switch, dimmer, on-off for most electronic appliances, doors and vehicles. most IOT need bluetooth or wifi to access the control functions of devices. WIFI is more range and easier to deploy (other alternative is infrared but only line of sight is the limit for the solutions)
how to check the coverage of wifi that good for IOT?
how to check the level of wifi coverage at -75dbi?
the best and easiest way is walk to the place the you plan on put the IOT devices and use your mobile phone to check both stability and signal strength. stand at point around 3-5 minutes to see how signal swings
in case your wifi coverage was bad, how to fix it?
add more AP (access point) may help to fix this, before add more AP you need to learn how to select your AP and how it work
AP (access point) cheapest type of wifi expander you need LAN cable and power cable to connect to this and some has POE (power on Ethernet) that make use only LAN cable to provide both LAN and power connection. most AP has only 1 RJ45 connection
Wireless router more expensive but very versatile, you can set this as normal AP or use it as Wifi repeater. in most wifi router or wireless router has 5 RJ45 connection; 4 for LAN and 1 for WAN (separated network)
RJ 45 connection always look like this (1:1 ratio)
Wifi repeater lookalike wifi router or Power line adapter: repeat the wifi signal to other areas mostly drop 40% or more of original signal strength.
Power line Adapter use Power line (220 V or 110 V) to carried on signal mostly has 1 RJ45 connection and very compact size. some has wifi AP built-in. need at least 2 to work. do not use more than 5 in same area.
example of some devices; read on the boxes may better identified
in detail we need coverage and easy to manage the wifi; each shape of AP tell roughly how the coverage be
each shape has different amount of antenna may change some detail of coverage but mostly follow the basics foundation
green is areas of coverage.orange is polarize of antenna(s)black is antenna or antenna covers