
before install all advanced equipment: first all basic knowledge and fundamental should be discussed.

  1. wheel chair allowance and reach range space.
  2. normal allowance and reach range space.

reference: ADA

in short the area that wheel chair can access with other help should be at least 91.5 cm (around 1 metre) and if the wheelchair user need to use wheelchair in normal activities area clearance should be at least 1.5 metre.

easy accessible reachable of objects will be 25 cm around the wheel chair. this will help a lot on design of universal access.

slope for ramp should be 4.76 degree or 1:12 or less


objective of this project: to provide the support to whom in need.

I always wondering that it’s possible for everyone to work at home.

back to about 4 years ago, my mom leg was broken, at seventy something , eagerly to work all of her life. the broken of her leg was not problems as much as it tight her down to the bed of hospital and that deteriorate her health till the day her was passed away. that took period of half a year.

around that time i read a lot of books and planned some many projects prepared ahead if she could be back home, what kind of car, house, utilities to soothe her condition and help her do whatever her eager to. this project is the extended of that trying.

how can person that unready body can do things they needed to with less help as possible from others?

my ideology is what ever make world a better place. I will always open to that. is it related? to make persons do all their activity on their own raise self esteem, self acceptance, and plenty of moral; and in the same time make all people around them more productive.

you can answer this ideology in plenty of other ways, into this journey together i will provide some and if you want to suggest some, be my guest. let this be my invitation to our journey together.

ivy gourd

i love ivy, poison ivy in specific: beautiful, tempting and suite in every style of decoration.

too bad if you ignore all of the beautiful part of poison ivy, nothing else in it.

so when i think about caring, other inspiring ideas may better. i see this in my garden and it took me some inspiring.

after you see this, some ideas of how the logo will came to mind.

both leaves look a lot like heart shapes in some ways and heart and caring may took some meaning together.

now other part of logo, i want some simplification and symbol to remind what i had in mind.

you see it like simplification of upper picture

on central of ivy gourd leave is the character 不 from 夢想不可能 idealize we want to make nothing impossible.

and if you ask about other leaf there

already try both of the leaves