senses or conditions

to reference on how to use devices, we need to make sure users knew conditions and boundaries on each devices.

normally user manual will do this, but to simplify, we use symbol and senses to represent the conditions. normally we use “possible to use” if. but in case we may use “no need” that senses to operate for better communication.

eyes – seeing, sight, vision

at least have to read and see the sign or symbol to operate devices.

left you need to use any graphical receptive to operate this
right you need not to use any graphical receptive to operate this

ears – sound – voices

at least have to listen and make some voices to operate devices.

left you need to have voices receptive and capable to make some voices to operate this.
right you need not to have voices receptive and capable to make some voices to operate this.

hands or touch or operate by any point-able organs

at least have to be able to touch or pointing to operate devices.

left you need to use left hand or any left side touchable or point-able organs to operate.
right you need use right hand or any right side touchable or point-able organs to operate.

tongue or mouth or any organs that can produce humidity enough

some devices need humidity to operate.
left you need to use tongue to operate this.
right you need not to use tongue to operate this.

wheelchair safety usages

some devices never plan for wheelchair to operate, weight and size of wheelchair some time cause trouble for some devices

left wheelchair safe.
right not design for wheelchair

medical condition

some devices need to be full consciousness to operate. you need to at least 2 hours after some medication to operate some devices for your own safety.

left good for all medical condition
right make sure you have full consciousness before operate.

sorry to not update

first thing first, needed to confess: i’m lost.

from my last blog. i don’t know what direction i could go through. deep on the level of all standard of all plug, how you choose cable, thickness, thermal coupling or something basics that very technical? or just overview for beginner. and for now i’m clear on myself: the latter.

so next time all of my blog will drive to overview – link to other older or newer blogs. but it the chewing size for both me and the one that reading mine.


now i ‘m naming my other fears.

caution and electrical

major power voltage and current system

Note : AC : alternating current / DC : direct current

110 Vac / 220 Vac some country use 110V ac and some country use 220V most of devices nowaday can use both voltages; except when you bought them in USA and Japan both used only 110Vac devices

12 Vdc and battery: most usages came from car, motorbike battery standardized (sometime for large truck 24Vdc) recommended for all devices that need adapters. you can find this very easy than other voltages.

UPS and ac current: in case you don’t know; all UPS use battery, same type as your car or motorbike. so the voltage came as 12Vdc. when you use ac current on UPS it converts dc it’s store to ac. and in the same time when you charge UPS via power plug, convert from ac to dc.

USB powered (5Vdc): many devices for now use USB as power plug. the standard of USB may talk about later.

Solar cells ( per cell 0.5-0.6 Vdc) usually serial the cell to voltage about 13-18 for charging battery and then convert to ac for normal usages.

power surge, lightning strike and other power failure: before planning usage on each devices, check how sensitivity of devices may needed

some power surge protection use only lightning symbol
some with cross in it.